Something to Celebrate

Archive for September 11th, 2012

Hannah requested a Hello Kitty themed lunch for school tomorrow so here’s what I came up with:

The kitty is really a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  The bow is made out of a pink lady apple, the eyes are raisins, the nose is a slice of a cheese stick and the whiskers are pieces of roasted seaweed or nori.  The seaweed may sound strange but Hannah loves it–it is crunchy and kind of salty like a chip.

After the first day of school when Foofa got all “scrambled” as Hannah called it, I figured out that you need to make your “creation” as close to the top of the container as possible so that the lid keeps everything in place.   So in order to raise the kitty high enough I put a few things underneath it.  On the bottom is a bag of craisins, sliced cucumbers and celery pieces.  On top of the baggie are turkey and cheese roll-ups.  This gets the sandwich high enough and also gives Hannah more things to chow down on since she has seemed to have the appetite of a teenage boy at school.

Hopefully week 2 of school will be as great as the first!

September 2012

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